Dolphin Diary

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Midsummers day was not without some wondrous summer solstice magic! This mornings 5am dolphin encountour was treated to a wonderful class b swim in the shallows. Calm seas and great visibility almost made the encounter surreal as many of our finned friends passed on through, with the more colorful characters; as Derik Watts once said stopping to engage. Bra boys Rob, Tik and Dylan escorted the ladies (Tatti, Bo, Gilly nursery pod while youngsters were allowed to come and visit us two leggeds. At 08:30 some of the same individuals were sighted resting further offshore, this time in the company of Lolly and her newbie and Herme.

Longterm Monitoring of the Dolphins of Ponta.
Summer Solstice Encountours with The Dolphins of Ponta!
06h15: conscious interaction with mixed pod. Tatti and her calf came to engage and circle swim. Rocha, Bo's firstborn accompanies brother little boy Blu in a circle swim. Adult males Tik, Dylan and Rob (white spot) are escorting the ladies. Blu returns to Bo for a bottom rub and Rocha returns with Tattis calf for another circle swim. Gilly arrives for a one on one visit which is then followed by Gandolf - her son who joins for a belly up circle swim!
08h30: Pod of ~30 dolphins resting.
