One Degree of Separation

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‘Dee’, the humanoid robot is the protagonist of the film. Dee is short for DX-168 (Scientific Name). It is also short for ‘didi’ which means elder sister in India. Though many people in the village now rely on Dee to solve a lot of their problems, there are also people who are suspicious of her. They cannot relate to an android even though Dee physically looks like them. Thus, this natural human tendency of not being able to accept change immediately is portrayed in this manner.

The idea of humanizing technology is the theme of this movie through Dee’s character. The researchers of today are aiming to humanize technology, they want as intuitive a interface as possible between man and the machine. The ultimate aim of converting human-computer interaction to human-human interaction has been envisioned here. The title ‘one degree of Separation’ denotes how technology can shrink the world and enhance our knowledge base. The idea is to show “how technology can help solve the problems of education and child health” under a situation which is envisioned by the researchers.
