Typographia- Live

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This is a video of the premiere of 'Typographia', an art installation with performance on the 31st October, 2013 at the Festival of Ideas in Cambridge, U.K. Contemporary dance students Becky Byers, Kristina Hay and Andrzej Kamienski (from London Studio Centre) and costume designer Isabel Byers collaborated with Diana Scarborough to create an original work inspired by steam and code driven technology. Dancers whose choreography and movements respond to the workings of a Monotype Print machine bring emotional and dynamism to a machine designed in the 1900's. The projected visuals with sound and the kinetic sculpture were also created by the artist. Dr Christopher Dexter-Mills composed a new piece for the installation. However, for this performance a recording was made, played by the Edmund Quintet as the musicians were unavailable to perform 'live' on the night. Their recording can be heard in the soundtrack video.

As an artist and engineer, Diana's work recalls the beauty and history within an analogue framework, her cross-discipline practice inspired by defunct technology, new media and collaboration.
